Together We Can
Attorneys Who Fight For
Workers’ Overtime Pay
Valdez, et al. v. Signature Landscaping, L.L.C.
United States District Court for the District of Kansas, 22-cv-2276 Filed:
June 22, 2022
Our office along Holman Schiavone, LLC filed a collective class action claim and class claim on behalf of Landscape Laborers working for Signature Landscaping, LLC in Kansas and Missouri. This covers employees who perform manual job duties in both Missouri and Kansas, including but not limited to: irrigation digging and installation; dirt movement; loading and hauling landscape materials; planting and removing plants, flowers, trees, etc.; building retaining walls and other landscape construction; maintaining and trimming landscaped plants; and snow removal. A collective class action claim for overtime pay was brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and a class action claim under Kansas and Missouri laws. The lawsuit alleges that these employees not paid time and one half their hourly rate of pay for hours worked in excess of forty per workweek. It also seeks liquidated damages in an amount equal to the overtime pay owed.
For a copy of the Complaint filed against the Defendant: click here.
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4600 Madison
Suite 810
Kansas City, MO 64112
Ph: 816-221-7100
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT FX: 816-709-1044

St. Louis Office
St. Louis, MO 63117
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT | FX: 816-709-1044
Ph: 314-297-8385