Together We Can
Attorneys Who Fight For
Workers’ Overtime Pay
UnitedLex Professional Services, LLC – Project Attorneys OT Claims
In May 2020, our office filed a nationwide collective class action claim on behalf of Project Attorneys working for UnitedLex in federal court in the District of Kansas – Cook, et al. v. UnitedLex Professional Services, LLL (case no.: 2:20-cv-2250). This lawsuit claimed that these attorneys should have been paid an overtime rate of pay for hours worked in excess of forty per week. After filing, it was learned that Project Attorneys signed binding arbitration agreements. Due to these agreements, these claims cannot be pursued in court and must be made in arbitration. In turn, our office has been pursuing overtime claims for numerous Project Attorneys before the American Arbitration Association (AAA). These claims allege that UnitedLex failed to pay these employees the proper overtime rate of pay for hours worked in excess of forty per workweek, and that UnitedLex erroneously classified these employees as exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standard Act’s professional exemption. We believe that having a primary job duty of initial document review and organization, along with UnitedLex’s admission that these employees are not practicing law in any way, entitles these employees to overtime pay. These claims seek overtime pay on behalf of these employees who worked there within the past three years (the statute of limitations under the FLSA). It also seeks liquidated damages in an amount equal to the overtime pay owed.
For more information: Contact Us.
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4600 Madison
Suite 810
Kansas City, MO 64112
Ph: 816-221-7100
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT FX: 816-709-1044

St. Louis Office
St. Louis, MO 63117
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT | FX: 816-709-1044
Ph: 314-297-8385