
Together We Can

Attorneys Who Fight For
Workers’ Overtime Pay

How does time clock rounding work?

You may have worked for employers in Missouri in the past that kept an accurate, to-the-minute time clock. However, at your current job, your time is rounded to the nearest quarter hour. Is that legal? The U.S. Department of Labor explains that the Fair Labor Standards Act does give employers the right to track employees' time in 15-minute increments, and they may also round up or down. This rule has strict limits, though, and if your employer does not follow these, it could be a wage and hour violation. Say you regularly clock in five minutes late and get right to [...]

Overtime Pay|

When you are asked to work off the clock

We have covered many of the different ways in which overtime violations manifest in the workplace, whether they affect younger workers or those who are paid a salary. However, there are many other considerations with regard to overtime violations that occur far too often in Missouri and cannot be overlooked. For example, some workers may be asked or pressured to work off the clock in order to prevent their work week from exceeding 40 hours. In some cases, even part-time workers are asked to work off the clock regardless of overtime, simply to avoid paying workers what they are owed. [...]

Overtime Pay|

Commission income must be included when calculating overtime pay

The opportunity for overtime in the workplace can be great motivator for employees to work extra hours. But for employee’s receiving commission pay, overtime compensation may not be correctly calculated. When employers miscalculate overtime pay for commission employees, workers miss out on considerable income. The FSLA offers guidance The Department of Labor (DOL) Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) offers guidance for calculating overtime for commissioned employees. According to the DOL, commissions are payments for hours worked, even if the commission is based on a percentage of total sales. Therefore, commission pay must be included in the regular pay rate when calculating overtime. [...]

Overtime Pay|

Should you get overtime pay or comp time?

If your employer regularly offers you comp time instead of overtime pay when you put in long hours at your Missouri workplace, you may be losing out on money that should be on your paycheck. According to, except in the case of government employers, companies that provide paid time off work instead of an hourly wage one-and-a-half times your normal rate may be breaking federal employment laws. In order for overtime pay to be mandatory, your position must not be salaried. Even if your employer does label your earnings as a salary, the company may still owe you overtime pay if you make [...]

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Young workers and overtime violations

On this blog, we have gone over various issues related to overtime violations. Regrettably, these violations can affect those who work in various fields and upend the lives of employees of all ages. However, some people may be particularly vulnerable when it comes to denied overtime and other employee rights violations. For example, a young worker may not receive overtime pay that they were entitled to because their employer thought they could get away with taking advantage of the worker. Sometimes, younger workers' rights are denied because they may not have a clear understanding of how employment law protects them, [...]

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An introduction to overtime distribution

For many members of the Missouri workforce, the option to work overtime and collect additional benefits is an opportunity to create a better financial situation. However, this advantage can become increasingly frustrating when employers fail to properly distribute overtime pay or neglect to recognize a worker's extra contributions altogether. When employees are aware of how overtime pay is determined, they may be better able to recognize when they are being treated unfairly. According to Missouri Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, according to state law, employers are required to pay overtime if their employees exceed 40-hours of work in one week. [...]

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TF: 844-I-WANT-OT FX: 816-709-1044

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TF: 844-I-WANT-OT | FX: 816-709-1044
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